Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Calpulli Mexican Dance Company

Last Sunday, I played guitar for Calpulli Mexican Dance Company. It's a wonderful program that teaches young boys and girls traditional Mexican dance, accordion and guitar. My friend George Saenz (trombonist/accordionist for Lila Downs and Gregorio Uribe) is their music director, but it so happened that he was going on tour to Bogota, and would be unable to attend the Calpulli December recital. Enter Erik Barragán. 

The show took place at the Flushing Townhall. My job was to play four numbers, two with the accordions and two with the guitars. Everyone did a fantastic job. The kids were bright, eager, and talented; one of the girls in the guitar class was also part of the dance ensemble and a groovy beginner accordionist. Triple threat, yo! She isn't in any of the pics. Too busy, you know.

The Calpulli guitar class, starting from the left: Joseph, Kaitlin, Karen and Wendy. Wendy was also part of the dance ensemble.

Check out Calpulli Mexican Dance company; they're located in Long Island City and they certainly have a mission and a method.

Erik Barragán

Monday, December 14, 2015

Pay It Forward!

Happy Holidays!

Hello everyone!

It's the holidays -seasons greetings and all that! A perfect opportunity to flex our generosity muscles and share with those less fortunate. So, with that point in mind.

My wife's school is participating in a program called Pay It Forward. In her own words:

My school is participating in a couple "Pay it Forward" days of service next week. We're bringing the kids to both Kingsbrook Children's Hospital and a couple women's shelters in Brooklyn. In addition, we're having a couple drives so that we can show up to those places with gifts in hand.

If anyone feels like donating to our drives, we are looking for:
1. Toiletries (shampoos, lotions, toothbrushes, etc.) for the shelter

2. New kids gloves and socks for the children's hospital

If anyone wants to donate it would be beyond amazing. BUT I need any donations by this weekend.

You read it, folks. Anyone who can donate may email me at

Erik Barragán